Pain Therapy in Hot Springs, AR
Providing treatment for all types of pain, including migraine, joint, and back pain.

Provider Donald Crabtree, D.O.
Dr. Crabtree earned his undergraduate degree at Northeastern State University in Oklahoma and received his medical degree at Oklahoma State University for Health Sciences Center. He completed an internship as well as an anesthesiology residency at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and went on to complete a fellowship in Critical Care at Vanderbilt University. After fellowship, Dr. Crabtree returned to University of Arkansas for Health Sciences as an Assistant Professor and Associate Program Director in charge of resident education. Dr. Crabtree spent two years practicing pain management with Advanced Spine and Pain practice prior to opening Spa City Pain Management. Aside from practicing pain management Dr. Crabtree enjoys spending time with his four daughters and five grandchildren, along with cycling, riding motorcycles, and enjoying the outdoors fishing or touring the lake.